Training Competence Module


The Simple Compliance Training Competence module brings together all of your staff and contractor's health, safety and compliance related training information into one easy to navigate training register.

You define competencies necessary for staff and contractors to work on your site, and let Simple Compliance keep you up to date with who is compliant and who isn’t.

Give staff and contractors their own unique, secure logins and enable them to upload their own certifications. We then automatically notify users when their certificates or qualifications are up for renewal so you don’t have to.

We also link out to online training providers and allow users to complete training within the system, automatically updating their training records upon successful completion.

The training module of Simple Compliance links with other modules such as Asbestos, and Permits to Work, which enables you to ensure that the people you select to perform specific tasks, or those who apply for Permits, are always fully compliant.

Individual training profiles

Each person has their own profile page which allows them to provide details of their training, qualifications and experience.

The database monitors whether their training, qualifications and experience meets the requirement for the role they are assigned (e.g. Duty Holders, Responsible Persons etc.).

A live reporting tool then advises when training falls short of the requirements for the role, which can then be monitored by managers and the individual themselves.

Evidence of this training can also be uploaded into the database and training can be set to expire if periodic refresher courses are required (e.g. first aid training).

Management reporting and dashboards

The Simple Compliance Training Competence module provides you with a simple, yet powerful, suite of dashboards and reporting functions.

These enable you to quickly produce reports on your staff and contractors to understand the competencies they have and the areas which they need to undertake further training.

To arrange a demonstration please contact us